Our goal is to provide developmentally appropriate and experiential programs for children who are Toddler and Preschool age. We endeavour to achieve this by promoting the highest quality professionalism, consistency and a respectful school environment with dedicated staff that are qualified and truly care.
We believe that learning is an active process of self-construction which occurs as we; children, parents, educators and friends, go about our everyday routines and special times in the company of others. Educators treat and listen to children as individuals; competent, resourceful, curious, imaginative, and inventive, each desiring to communicate with each other and their environment. We believe that all learning is intertwined; physical, intellectual, emotional, social, moral, aesthetic, and creative. Schools, homes and the community are all social learning environments and need to have strong partnerships to enhance the child’s learning.
We are your partners. We each, children and adults, bring our own unique personal history. We, as educators, need to listen to, in the deepest sense, to the children’s and parent’s personal stories (perspectives), in order to make our curriculum and everyday classroom experiences meaningful. Our environment will be organized to offer rich learning opportunities connected to those experiences.
Children are invited to explore and problem solve, individually and in groups, to be involved in small and large projects, to learn and to respect their world as well as themselves and others. We are cognoscente of our responsibility to prepare children for a more formal school setting and will offer experiences that will meet that need as well. We believe that it is important for Educators of young children to continue their growth and will provide and support professional development as well as encourage independent study. This will ensure that staff are ready for the challenges of providing the most up-to-date programming and best practice for children’s optimum growth and development. We recognize the value of strong partnerships with families and the community in the education of young children and will promote opportunities for this growth.
We look forward to the opportunity of providing a place for future educators from local colleges and high schools to train and practice. Finally, we embrace the important responsibility given to us by parents, to care and love their children, to provide safe and beautiful environments for the children to learn, grow and play in, and to be your partners in this important time of their lives.